Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kuwaiti Ramadan Cuisine

Food plays a large part in Kuwaiti culture. The national dish of Kuwait known as machboos consists mainly of mutton, or chicken placed over or mixed in a large mass of well-cooked and prepared rice. Food is almost always prepared and served in large amounts, and it is extremely common for households to invite guests over to share meals. Kuwaiti cuisine is an infusion of Indian, Persian, Mediterranean, and Najdi (the center of the Arabian Peninsula) cuisine.

The following is the most common Kuwaiti traditional dishes during Ramadan:

• Qouzi, a Kuwait national dish consisting of a roasted lamb stuffed with rice, chicken, eggs, and other ingredients.

• Machboos, a dish made with mutton or chicken accompanied over fragrant rice that been cooked in chicken/mutton well spiced broth.

• Laban Buttermilk.

• Gers Ogaily, a traditional cake made with eggs, flour, sugar, cardamom, and saffron. Traditionally served with tea.

• Harees, wheat cooked with meat then mashed ,usually topped with cinnamon sugar.

• Jireesh (Yireesh), a mash of cooked spelt with chicken or lamb ,tomatoes and some spices.

• Gabout (Gabboot), stuffed flour dumplings in a thick meat stew


caramela said...

O iltashreeba latnsa aham shai birmithan ;D

zaffron said...

I have tasted machboos, saffron cake , harees, all taste good.