Sunday, March 14, 2010

Abu Dhabi steps up patrol on drivers using cell phones

Abu Dhabi Police Traffic Control has stepped up patrols to nab those who use handheld mobile phones while behind wheels, according to a report on Friday.

et hagoun habba nafs ma 9arat 3endena bel Kuwait .. wela yeltazmoon fee hal qarar ???

The step has been taken as more studies proved that the practice is a major cause of accidents resulting in deaths and severe injuries, newswire WAM said in its report.
The Traffic Directorate in Abu Dhabi has rolled out an awareness campaign to teach road users that the use of handheld mobile phones while driving diminishes the driver's response by 50 percent.

Studies have also proved that the practice also reduces the drivers concentration enormously thus affecting speed control and maintaining of safe distance.

The awareness drive coincides the GCC traffic week, which is being observed all across the country.
Director of the Metropolitan Traffic Directorate at the Abu Dhabi Police, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Alshehhi said that the practice of using mobile phones while driving cause delays in traffic and results in traffic congestion.
He also urged people to avoid typing or reading text messages while driving the vehicles.

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