caramela : wayed momtaza elkhedma walla .. o la3 mafeesh 7ajz .. ta3alay o ya teg3edeen 3ala 6ool ya tan6ereeen dour :)
my order was
DYNAMITE SHRIMP Lightly battered shrimp served with a spicy sauce CRAB WONTONS Crunchy wonton filled with creamy rock crab meat and served with a side of spicy plum sauce PEPPER STEAK Quickly cooked steak with red and green bell peppers, yellow onion, garlic and black pepper with brown rice ;)
alllaaaaaaah 7ada mishtahya chinies food o mishtahya " panda express " mal USA mita 'ybona ilq8 ?!! :s
i miss going to the Avenues :(
caramela: i went there .. elga3da 3ajeeeba o el akil wawwwww :)
baihhh panda express looooooool
Noor: mawjoood mara7 eroo7 mukan reday o mureeeh ;)
9iiij ;D
what did u order ?!
Shlon khdmathum ?!
Iny o ng3ad or lazm na7jz gblha ?!
caramela : wayed momtaza elkhedma walla .. o la3 mafeesh 7ajz .. ta3alay o ya teg3edeen 3ala 6ool ya tan6ereeen dour :)
my order was
Lightly battered shrimp served with a spicy sauce
Crunchy wonton filled with creamy rock crab meat and served with a side of spicy plum sauce
Quickly cooked steak with red and green bell peppers, yellow onion, garlic and black pepper
with brown rice ;)
Bil 3afyaaaaa ;*
7ada shwgtnii o 7ady yu3ana inshala akhls midterm o arou7 ;D
wooooooooooooooow 7amad i tryed it 7ada mooo 9iiiiiiiij (y)
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