Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yessss I AM BACK :P

Good Sticky Monday Morning To U All ;)

Missing U Guys ;) & missing my Blog :p

And for those of u whois wondering where the hell i've been ..

well i was on a training course .. nothing serious :P



caramela said...

9abaaa7 il3Asaaal ;D
miss u soo muuch !!!
Wala u made my day ina u posted wila iljaw wai3 o ilDr. Mnafs mn il9b7 o msta3sr 3alaina ;/

caramela said...

7amaad wala wayhik khair 3alai 2day ;D
i got 26/30 o ilDr. Mstans 3alai ;D cuz bs 10 ili ybna fog il20 ;p

HAMAD said...

caramela: hey girllll missed ya tooo :) LOOOL ya3ni la jaw san3 wala dr san3 :P shino hal 7ala elkaseefa LOL

allah e3eenich !

HAMAD said...

caramela: oooh ooooh MABROOOk ... eeeh hathy elnass elsha6raaa ( masha'llah) enshalla mo bas hal mada ;) enshala kil elmawaad :)

caramela said...

Allah ybark feek ;$$
lol mako ila hal mada dummer course ;p

Expat and the City said...

Welcome back sweetie :D

Expat and the City said...
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HAMAD said...

Expat and the City : heeeey gorgeous ;) thanxxxx missed me ha ? ha ? ha ? :P