Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dyson Air Multiplier - No blades. No buffeting !


Dyson Air Multiplier™ fans work differently from conventional fans. They use Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it – from 15 to 18 times, depending on the model. With no blades or grille, they’re safe and easy to clean. And they produce an uninterrupted stream of smooth air, with no unpleasant buffeting.

Using an airfoil-shaped ramp (like a cross-section through an airplane wing), airflow is amplified from 15 to 18 times depending on the model. This creates a smooth, powerful airflow, with no need for fast-spinning blades.


Eluded Euphoria said...

it looks like fun lol.. but i gotta try it to make sure its working..

Expat and the City said...

Earth to Hamad...Where are you? Maybe on vacation. :D

Dont.Dwell said...

I want one too !!!

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