Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ohio woman gives birth to twins a week apart

sub7ana allah :)

CLEVELAND - An Ohio couple can look forward to an annual birthday season, because their new twins were born a week apart. Jennifer Renz of North Canton went into labor while at her doctor's office on March 22. She wasn't due for another 12 weeks but gave birth at a Cleveland hospital to a 1-pound, 13-ounce girl, named Grace.
Doctors said at that point things kind of stopped, with the other baby, a boy, still in the womb. They decided not to induce labor but allow the second child more time to grow inside his mother.
Little Noah didn't arrive for another seven days, weighing in at 2 pounds, 15 ounces. Both infants are now in a neonatal intensive care unit.

Their father, Dennis Renz, said he and his wife plan to celebrate the birthdays separately.

7ag elme9areef elzayda .. kho e6la3 weya ekhtek mara wa7da:P


caramela said...

Waaay galbi faaz yum garait OHIO !!
Loool ya7lailhum yabon y7taflon klwa7d ib his day ;p
Mt mn ilthi7ik when i read ur comment ili chan 6ala3t ma3a ikhtik ;p

Anonymous said...

ماشالله ماشالله مع اني ما احب البنات بس البنت واايد احلى منه الشيطان هذاا

HAMAD said...

caramela: ismila 3ala galbich yoba :P

eeeh wana 9aj maskeena el om weladtain elfarg bainhum esboo3 ma sewat 3alaiha :P

amani525: loool dayman elbanat a7la :P